A Peace of the Whole

We all have a deep need to experience our wholeness. Ernest Holmes speaks of our spiritual wholeness when he says, “You are not merely a shadow of Myself, you are the Substance of Me.” Because we are emanations of That which is infinite and the very essence of wholeness, we are whole all of the time. Out […]

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Come To the Table

Having a grateful heart makes us witness to the boundless abundance of good that is already at hand and the Infinite Potential of Universe that is simply awaiting our acceptance of it. Gratitude opens our hearts, connects us to life and opens us to the flow of Good. Affirmation Today I reflect on the abundant […]

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Who’s Driving this Vehicle Anyway?

We all want to live with a sense of calm, feeling centered and at ease. Yet sometimes, we forget that we don’t have alter all of the things in the world to bring that about. We forget that our focus and attention is the cause of how we experience life. . Join us Sunday for the wonderful music […]

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I can See Clearly Now

Everything that happens in life is an invitation to discover and express our Essential Nature: Love, Peace and Good. When we step into this Truth, we are then empowered to use the circumstances of our lives and the circumstances of the world for our own personal and spiritual evolution, and for creating a better world around […]

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Change It Up

We all have things that we want to experience in our lives and things we would like to eliminate from our lives. As spiritual beings, we have the power to create our lives out of the Infinite Potential of the Universe through our intention and attention, through our thinking and feeling. Yet thinking the same thoughts, doing […]

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Stepping Out

We all have desires and dreams, things that we want to experience in our lives and in the world at large. And as spiritual beings, we have the power to create our lives out of the Infinite Potential of the Universe through our intention and attention, through our thinking and feeling. Yet oftentimes, old limiting beliefs and […]

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The Odds Are With Us

When we experience horrific events, like the Las Vegas shootings this week, it is easy to feel like we have been knocked off our feet, to be swallowed up in the in the horror and feelings of devastation of what has occurred, and even to feel helpless and hopeless. Join us Sunday when we will […]

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The lenses through which we view life are created out of our past experiences, and the beliefs we have created out of those experiences. This lens affects everything in our lives. It affects how we show up in the world, what we expect from Life, what we accept from others, and what we believe we can accomplish, […]

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Imagine That!

We all have things that we would like to experience in our lives—better health, greater harmony in our relationships and an abundance of prosperity, just to name a few. And as spiritual beings, we have the power to create our lives out of the Infinite Potential of the Universe through our conscious thought, belief and acceptance. […]

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Inside the Walls

Do sometimes find that you hold yourself in judgment and non-forgiveness for something you have said or done? Ernest Holmes tells us that God has never judged us, and that God is Love. A Course in Miracles tells us “Through your forgiveness does the Truth about yourself return to memory.” Holding ourselves or others in non-forgiveness cuts […]

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All Hands on Deck

With hurricanes Harvey and Irma hitting our neighbors this week, we feel called to help those who have been affected. Because we are spiritual beings and each a part of the great Whole, the tapestry of life, we are called to assist and to give way to Love. Yet sometimes our motivation for giving is based […]

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A Labor of the Heart

We have a soul longing to assist, to love, to care and to be of service, because on a soul level we are all profoundly interconnected. When the work that we do is grounded in being of service to our customer, our community or to making the world a better place, everyone is served. When we […]

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Light the Way

You are here on this Earth by Divine Appointment—to make a difference, to give way to the Divine, and Its expression of Unity and Oneness and Love. When we act from love, kindness and compassion we access our spirit, we feel our connection with the family of humanity and we bring the Love of God […]

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Standing Room Only

We yearn to live in a world that is filled with peace, harmony and love. When life doesn’t look harmonious and peaceful, but instead, things seem chaotic in the world, it is easy to get frustrated, sad and to feel hopeless. Now more than ever, we are being called to be anchored in Spirit and […]

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We all have the need to feel safe, to know that all is well in our lives and that our good is assured. We want to live in peace and ease. Yet, sometimes when life doesn’t go according to our plans, we get knocked off center and feel less than peaceful. Ernest Holmes says, “Infinity expresses […]

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Being an Emissary for Peace

At our deepest level we all want to live in peace; to experience peace in our relationships, peace in our homes, peace amongst nations and peace in the world. Yet, often we feel helpless to make peace a reality, because we think life happens from the outside in. This week we will be looking at ideas […]

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Embodying True Abundance

We all want to live an abundant life; experiencing overflowing Good in all areas of our lives. Gratitude, sharing ourselves and practicing generosity all increase our experience of plenty. Having a grateful heart and loving, open hands, makes us witness to the boundless good that is already at hand, and opens our hearts and minds to […]

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“Tapping the Root of Happiness”

As human beings we all long to feel happy and to live our lives with a sense of well-being. However, there are times when that is not our experience. We think our happiness is reliant on outer circumstances. When those circumstances aren’t in alignment with our desires and preferences, we find ourselves grumbling and complaining. Sometimes we get stuck […]

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“The Invitation”

We are each here as expressions of the Infinite and here to further express it in the world. We are here to discover That which is implanted within us and to bring it forward into our lives. We are here to thrive and give way to our greatest self. When we live our lives from this […]

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“The Great Discovery”

You are a spiritual being having a human experience. You are here on this Earth by Divine Appointment; to give way to your own soul, the Divine, and Its expression of Love, Oneness, Peace and Magnificence. When we live our spirituality, our lives are deepened and expanded. We then live a life that feels fulfilling and rewarding, […]

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“What’s in a Name?”

We all have a need to feel protected and guided, to feel provided for and to experience our own capability. Yet, there are times when we feel that some of these things are missing in our lives. When we see God as someone who is outside of us, who we must gain favor from, we are […]

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“Leaving the Harbor”

We yearn to live in a world that is filled with peace, harmony and love. When life doesn’t look harmonious and peaceful, but instead, things seem chaotic in the world, it is easy to get overwhelmed, frustrated and to feel hopeless. Now more than ever, we are being called to be anchored in Spirit and […]

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“Coming Home”

In our fast moving world, that is filled with responsibilities and things to do, we often forget how important it is to stop and rest, to renew ourselves and our spirit. We all need to take time—Sabbath time—to rest and reflect and to be present with ourselves and renewed. We need time for just being, and […]

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“One Step Beyond”

We yearn to create a life and a world filled with peace, love, harmony and good. Yet, sometimes we get bogged down by all that is going on in the material world, forgetting that our consciousness is the creative factor in our lives—our thoughts, feelings and attention. It is through inner communion and sacred practice that […]

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“Home is Where the Heart is”

We all contain within us the qualities and characteristics of the archetypal mother; love, care, kindness, wisdom and generosity. As we bring these qualities forward for ourselves and others we create a space for healing and thriving. And this can sometimes be one of our greatest challenges. Yet, we always have within us a boundless wellspring […]

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