Living Beyond Limits is a spiritual community of love, support and inspiration. Here you are welcome exactly as you are, no matter your gender, color, sexual orientation, disability, age, size or level of sobriety. You will find acceptance without judgment whether you are celebrating a success, questioning a life circumstance or grieving a loss.
Our Sunday Talks deal with real-life situations as we investigate solutions together. Our classes, workshops, and Sunday services provide necessary tools to live a fulfilling and balanced life. These tools are designed to bring about a greater awareness of our own spiritual magnificence, inviting us to get involved in life in ways we might never have thought possible. It’s amazing what happens when you hang out with spiritually like-minded people!
What is Centers for Spiritual Living?
We are members of a global organization called Centers for Spiritual Living with over 500 centers worldwide. Dr. Ernest Holmes founded the organization in the early 20th century. He believed there was a thread of truth running through every great religion and philosophy, and it was his desire to pull out that thread, leaving behind all superstition, dogma, and religious opinion. He took that thread and created principles called “Science of Mind,” and these are the principles and beliefs we continue to teach and live today.
What is Science of Mind?
We believe in every religion and honor all paths to God. We believe that every life is sacred and valuable. We believe that every person is on a spiritual journey which will ultimately lead to their greatest good. CSL uses the Science of Mind textbook written by Dr. Holmes as one of the resources for this belief. Dr Holmes taught that the universe is created by an Infinite Mind; therefore, we should remain “open at the top,” always ready to incorporate new wisdom as it is revealed through the arts, science, and religion. We include the western Bible along with the eastern teachings of the Tao and other sacred texts as resources for spiritual truth.
Our Center celebrates and welcomes diversity. We believe that every person holds equal value in the eyes of God regardless of religion, race, gender, sexual orientation, or any other worldly identification that tries to separate us. Our Center holds the vision that one day we will see ourselves as ONE people on ONE planet, living in ONE universe governed by one Divine Presence
Spiritual Leaders
Reverend Jennifer SpearRev. Jennifer is an ordained minister with Centers for Spiritual Living. She earned her Master’s Degree in Consciousness Studies at Holmes Institute and has been a licensed minister since 2009. She is the founding minister of Living Beyond Limits—a member of Centers for Spiritual Living. Rev. Jennifer stands firm in the belief that the Universe is always for us and that Life it for us. We are here to make the Infinite Presence of the Divine real here on earth. In doing so, we make the world a better place for all. As a powerful minister, a passionate teacher and a compassionate and loving counselor, Rev. Jennifer is dedicated to empowering people to discover their wholeness and their authentic power, to actualize their untapped potential, and to create change in the world from the inside out. |
Practitioners |
Ray Bunch, RScPEmail: Ray received his 20-year practitioner pin at the 2020 Centers for Spiritual Living Convention. He has been heavily involved in Men’s Work and Parent Effectiveness Training. |
Barbara Conant, RScP. Practitioner CoordinatorI have been involved with this philosophy for 11 years. I have been a Practitioner for 7 years. My focus is on serving our spiritual community. I’m involved in visioning, fundraising, and prayer where it is needed. |
David Conant, RScPEmail: I have been involved with this philosophy for 14 years, and a practitioner for 10 years. The Science of Mind has been a real blessing to me and as a result my path of service is to be available to those wanting to understand this philosophy. Additionally, it is a privilege to be available to those wanting to speak or work with a practitioner. I also work with domestic animals. |
Carol Borowick, RScPEmail: I am grateful to have been a Religious Science Practitioner for over 20 years. The study and practice of the Science of Mind has changed my life. As a Practitioner, being with another person as they uncover their Spiritual Truths is humbling and a great privilege. Living Beyond Limits is a joyful and loving place to grow in Spirit and I am honored to serve in this community. |
Board Members
Contact Us
We currently meeting at
Wardlow Park Social Hall
3457 Stanbridge Ave.
Long Beach CA 90808
Sundays at 10:00am
Sunday Service recordings are available under
Videos and Sunday Talks
Phone: (562) 212-8754