“The Invitation”

We are each here as expressions of the Infinite and here to further express it in the world. We are here to discover That which is implanted within us and to bring it forward into our lives. We are here to thrive and give way to our greatest self.

When we live our lives from this perspective then everything that happens in our lives becomes an invitation to discover and express That which is within us: Love, Peace, Power, and our own spiritual magnificence.

Join us Sunday for a talk titled, The Invitation and some new ideas and inspiration for living as your greatest self, and living a life of deep fulfillment and joy. I look forward to sharing my Sunday with you and seeing you there.

In love,
Rev. Jennifer Spear


Today I remember that

God is always for me; Life is always for me.

All the circumstances in my life enable me to discover my

True Self and unfold my greater yet to be.

All is well now and always.

And so it is.