A Peace of the Whole

We all have a deep need to experience our wholeness. Ernest Holmes speaks of our spiritual wholeness when he says, “You are not merely a shadow of Myself, you are the Substance of Me.” Because we are emanations of That which is infinite and the very essence of wholeness, we are whole all of the time. Out of our deep realization of our Wholeness, we discover peace, and from here we automatically bring our best selves to the world.

And yet, there are times when we get into self-doubt. We look outside of ourselves for validity or for the world to tell us we are okay or enough. But, we will never find our wholeness of completion outside of ourselves; we must bring it forward from within.


Today I stand anchored in my innate Wholeness.

I do not need affirmation from the outside world, for I am whole and I am enough!

The peace that I seek, is already within me.

I shine my light wherever I go.

And so it is.