When we experience horrific events, like the Las Vegas shootings this week, it is easy to feel like we have been knocked off our feet, to be swallowed up in the in the horror and feelings of devastation of what has occurred, and even to feel helpless and hopeless.
Join us Sunday when we will look at ideas about how to keep our equilibrium, have a balanced perspective in troubling times, and how to feel our feelings and continue to be a force for Good in a chaotic world.
Now more than ever, we are called to give way to the qualities of Spirit within us and to participate in bringing the presence of Love and Oneness into the world. I look forward to sharing my Sunday with you and seeing you there.
In love,
Rev. Jennifer
I know that everything is a catalyst for growth and evolution. I use everything in life for my own unfoldment. I ask myself,
“What is mine to do?” I stand up and show my soul and I make a difference.
And so it is.