Audio, Falling in Line

When our thoughts, words, intentions and actions are in alignment with our most deeply held values, we live with purpose. When we live with purpose we are living in alignment with our spirit. As a result, we feel fulfilled, and we make the world a better place.

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Audio, What’s Your Angle?

It can be so easy to give our attention to our fears and doubts and what isn’t working. Yet, it is our perspective that creates our experience. And our perspective and either opens us to new possibilities or closes us off from them.

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Audio, You Know It

 Our spirit guides us by what feels right and what brings us joy and peace in the long run. Listening to that call and then stepping in that direction with inspired action enables us to live our best life.

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Audio, Push and Pull

Discomfort and pain push us to make changes and to find solutions for what isn’t working. When we hold a vision or goal of what we actually want, that pulls us further…to our desired goal.

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Audio, Movin’ On

There seems to be a lot of baggage and confusion around the idea of forgiveness. What if forgiveness is really an act of self-love, so that we can be free and at peace?

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Audio, Prize Inside

Are you a procrastinator? What’s the deal with procrastination anyway? What if procrastination isn’t about being lazy, but is really about understanding.

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Audio, Breathe In-Breathe Out

As we look to the new year ahead of us, we are being invited to listen to what our hearts and spirits hope and long for, and to allow that to motivate us in creating the year ahead. Join us in a ritual of releasing the which you do not want to bring into the […]

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Audio, Time to Dust

The year ahead is for our making and our thriving, and the perfect time to let go of that which we no longer want or need in our lives. As we listen to our deepest heartfelt longings, and allow them to guide us, we create an avenue for the Greater Yet To Be to express.

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Auido, Let There Be Light

The Winter Solstice reminds us that when things seem at their darkest, we are called to look for the Light, to look to the Light and to trust it to come forward. In our trust and faith we open a way for the Good to flow into our lives unobstructed.

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Audio, Power for the People

When we bring soul presence to our relationships, and to how we treat others and ourselves, we are able to see the divine essence within— Wholeness, Love, Power and Wisdom. In doing so, we create space for healing and flourishing, both within ourselves and others.

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Audio, Meet You There

Oftentimes we get stuck in thinking we are “right”, and they are “wrong”. It seems as if our entire society is based on “picking a side,” even if you don’t fit into one single side. What if there is a third way of thinking; one where we are curious about other perspectives and possibilities? What […]

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Audio, High Yield Bonds

Oftentimes, we judge others who are different from us, people who have different attitudes and perspectives, or who make different life choices than we make. But does our judgment and “othering” change things for the better? Does it create the world in which we want to live?

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