I invite you to a very special Easter Sunday Service. In celebration of Easter the talk is titled, “Rise Above”. We will be looking at the symbolism of the Easter story and how it applies to our lives today.
Holmes says, “The resurrection is the death of the belief that we are separated from God.” When we release the things that are unlike Love, Wholeness and Good we are born anew, and transformed into our True Selves—our true God nature.
Join us for the fabulous music of Karie Hillery and some new ideas and inspiration to support you in living a vibrant life that is deeply fulfilling and filled with joy. I look forward to sharing my Sunday with you and seeing you there.
In love,
Rev. Jennifer Spear
Today I gladly die to that which is unlike Love, Wholeness and Peace.
Joyfully, I am resurrected into that which is magnificent.
I pass from less to more.
I rise up into my own greatness;
And I live as my best self and live my fullest life.
And so it is.