The very nature of Life is abundance; It pours forth in all places, at all times. In our giving, we step into the Law of circulation, opening ourselves to that flow of Boundless Good. As a result, we increase the flow in our lives and raise our levels of well-being.
Sometimes, we get into fear and think we must get before we can give. Our very fear impedes the flow of Good to us. But in our open-hearted giving, we open the floodgates so that we may receive more.
Join us Sunday for the beautiful music of Margaret Owens and some new ideas about moving beyond your fear that clogs the flow, and about how to become your own conduit to ever greater good.
In love,
Rev. Jennifer Spear
Today I give from joy, from the fullness of Life
and from a grateful heart.
In my open-hearted giving,
I increase the flow of good into my life.
I am in the flow of Abundance now.
And so it is