I Will Not Get Off the Bus

With the election this week, things may not have turned out the way you wanted. It can be easy to get knocked off balance, get into fear and think that things will not be okay. We all have the need to feel safe and secure, to feel as if we matter, and to feel like the world is for us and for good.

A Course in Miracles tells us that at the core of all fear is the fear that God is not with us. When we know that God is always right where we are, at the center of everything, and that Life is for Itself and Its greatest expression, we can move through change with confidence and ease.

Join us Sunday for the music of Debi Wheeler, a talk titled, “I Will Not Get Off the Bus” and some new ideas and inspiration to support you in living a life anchored in the security of omnipresent Love-Intelligence. I look forward to sharing my Sunday with you and seeing you there.

In love,
Rev. Jennifer


Today I stand strong in my faith that the Love-Intelligence of the universe is everywhere present.

I stand strong on my principles of Unity, Love, Peace, Inclusion and Oneness.

I refuse to scare myself. I lean into the Chris Presence within and become a conduit for Good.

And so it is.