Choose Love

We are each here to bring Spirit into the world. When we act from love we do this. When we act from fear, we block Its flow to us and through us.

Everything that is going on around us is an invitation to discover and express our Essential Nature—Love. When we come from our spirit and come from Love, we are then able to use the circumstances of our lives for our personal and spiritual evolution.

Join us Sunday for the beautiful and moving music of Marianne Lewis, a talk titled Choose Love and some new ideas and inspiration for living a life of deep fulfillment, and creating a world of peace and love. I look forward to sharing my Sunday with you and seeing you there.

In love,
Rev. Jennifer Spear


The Allness of God is here now,

in this moment and every moment.

I live immersed in this Presence. Here, all is well.

I am centered in Spirit

and today I choose love.

And so it is.