Party of Two

As human beings two of our deepest needs are to be seen, and to feel deeply connected to others. One of the ways we do this is through being in relationships.

In the safety of a close relationship, we encounter another person, heart to heart and soul to soul. We escape our small self and are given the support to grow, to stretch beyond who we have been, and are bolstered to become all we can be.

Join us Sunday for the beautiful music of Denise Rosier, a talk titled, Party of Two, and some new ideas and inspiration about the sacredness of relationships. I look forward to sharing my Sunday with you and seeing you there.

In love,
Rev. Jennifer Spear


Today I remember that I am here to unfold my greatest
self and my spiritual magnificence. I do this through my
relationships with others. I support those I love
with the same opportunity to grow, stretch, flourish and become
their greatest selves.

And so it is.