Audio, Our Favorites

Rev. Jennifer and Rev. Tracy Earlywine share their favorites—their favorite inspirations, quotes, New Thought ideas, Ernest Holmes excerpt and meditations and explore what they mean to them. Join them for some inspiration of your own.  

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Audio, A Portal of Plenty

Blessings fill our lives. But, the only way that we experience them is by being present in the moment and paying attention. In turn, we feel gratitude. And the real gift of gratitude is that the more grateful you are, the more present you become.

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Audio, Get Out of the Way

The Creative Intelligence of the Universe is always at our disposal and seeking to express through us, as creative solutions, answers to our problems and new ways to do things. We must get our fear, doubt and negative thinking out of the way in order to access this Creative Intelligence.

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KINDNESS AS A SPIRITUAL PRACTICE During these stressful times, while people are short tempered and we might feel a little off our game, it is necessary to practice kindness even more than usual. When we are compassionate, kind and loving with ourselves and others life is easier for all of us.

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Audio, Enjoy Your Stay

As things have been dialed back and businesses re-closed due to the Covid 19 spike and the resulting restrictions we are now living under, it is easy to feel frustrated, bored and even a little depressed. We are being invited to step out of our box and do something new, learn something new and tap […]

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Audio, We’re Expecting

We are being called to create in Mind the world that we want to see emerge from the turmoil that is going on in our world at the moment. Living in the expectancy of good opens us to the Realm of Possibility and creates an avenue for the good to become manifest in the world.

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Audio, Re-focus

Does everything just seem a little harder right now? If so, it is time to re-focus. We are being invited to be fully present in the now moment, remember the Truth, notice the good that is contained in the moment and to pay attention to the good that fills our lives.

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Audio, I Can See Clearly Now

I CAN SEE CLEARLY NOW Do you subscribe to the idea that doing affirmative prayer is enough? Or do you go by the maxim “treat and move your feet”? We are being called to know that the Highest and the Best is unfolding and to take the steps that move us in the direction that […]

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Audio, Catch the Vision

What is the Highest Idea that is seeking to emerge through the United States and our culture right now? As we listen to the Divine Presence within us, and the Wisdom of our Being, we are able to catch that vision. As we get clear about that vision, follow it with our intention and actions […]

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Audio, Hearts Breaking Open

We are in the midst of a huge opportunity to create change in our country; to create a culture of equality, love, peace and true oneness. We are in the midst of an opportunity to create a more just society. We are each being called by our own hearts and souls to assist in this […]

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Do you ever wonder why you do your affirmations and “bad things” still happen to you? Or how you can neutralize negative mental attitudes that say you aren’t worthy of having a happy and joyful life? Or how is it that good can come from this pandemic? Today, Rev. Jennifer Spear and Rev. Tracy Earlywine […]

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Audio, Leaving Breadcrumbs

Leaving Breadcrumbs Memorial Day is the perfect day to honor and celebrate all those who have given of themselves and contributed to making the world and our lives better. These people have left breadcrumbs for us to follow. They inspire us to make the world better for other people today and for those who come after us.

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Audio, About Face

ABOUT FACE! When we go through changes in our lives, it is easy to get caught up in fear, doubt and the cries of naysayers. Prayer takes us from fear and doubt to trust, confidence and peace. Prayer and affirmations change our thoughts, our feelings and our expectations and thus, we open to the Good […]

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Audio, The United Way

At a soul level, we know that we are one with the Whole—one with each other and one with the Divine. As we love and care for others, our remembrance of this oneness is rekindled and awakened. During the current restrictions of “staying safer at home” our normal avenues of loving and caring have been […]

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Just What the Doctor Ordered

As we live through this time of Covid 19, social distancing and personal isolation our normal routines have been altered and consequently, we can feel off kilter, unsettled and sometimes like we are on an emotional roller coaster. What we want instead, is to have a sense of well-being. During this challenging time we need to […]

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Something’s Calling Me

We each have a deep yearning to express our deepest selves and Who We Are. During the current restrictions we are under, our normal avenues to express ourselves may not be available to us—the places where we work or volunteer or being with family and friends. We are being called to discover new avenues and ways to […]

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A Chrysalis Experience

The symbolism of the Easter story is a reminder and an invitation to let go of that which keeps us small or what keeps us from being our greatest selves. It is an opportunity let go of the lesser so that we may experience the greater; a greater life, more freedom, and be Who We Are […]

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What’s Emerging?

As we live through this time of Covid 19 and physical isolation, there is something that is seeking to emerge within and through us, and within humanity. This experience we’re having is the fertile ground for that to emerge. As we get quiet and listen within, we reconnect with our inner self and our spiritual […]

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Breaking the Surface Tension

As we live through this time of Covid 19, social distancing and personal isolation we can feel off kilter, unsettled and even fearful. During this time, what we really want is to feel grounded, centered, at ease and peaceful. “Is there a difference between happiness and inner peace? Yes. Happiness depends on conditions being perceived as […]

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What Do You Know?

We all have a need to feel like we are standing on solid footing, to understand what is happening around us, and to be grounded in certainty. In that, we feel safe. When we don’t know all the details, we often make assumptions, and sometimes fear the worst. But when we make assumptions, we create unnecessary […]

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Drop the Anchor

It is so easy to get caught up in the roller coaster of life and the fear that swirls all around us. Consequently, it is easy to feel off center. We want to feel grounded and centered, peaceful and safe in the midst of life’s upheavals. In this video we will be exploring ways to […]

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Fearless Living

We all have the need to feel safe, to know that all is well in our lives and that our good is assured. We want to live in peace and ease and have a sense of wellbeing. Yet, when the world is going crazy all around us, we get knocked off center, feel less than peaceful and […]

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